Token editor commands

commands       ?              comments       create         show           
name           type           flags          timer          ed             
desc           value          valuename      addtprog       deltprog       
varset         varclear       


Lists the commands available in the token editor


This allows you to call the ‘list of flags’ help, as in any editor. For example, ? token brings up the list of token flags.


Allows you to set a “Builder’s Comments” field. Use of this is encouraged to explain any particulars of the token, or any troubles you’re having with it so other imms can help out, or expand on it.


Creates a new token with the specified vnum.


Also called by hitting <enter> while in the token editor. Shows the token you’re working on.


Sets the token’s name. Only visible to staff.


Sets the token type. See the token flags reference for more details.


Sets various flags on the token. See the token flags reference for more details.


Sets how long the token will last before extracting itself. Can be affected by the reverse_timer token flag.


Not Yet Implemented


Allows you to set a description for the token. This is only visible to staff.

value <0-7> <value>

Sets one of the 7 numerical values on the token.

valuename <0-7> <string>

Sets the name of the given value. Some of these are set automatically depending on token type.

addtprog <vnum> <trigger> <phrase>

Attaches a token prog to the token with the given trigger and phrase.

Example: addtprog 11001 speech hello - This would attached token prog 11001 to this token, and make it fire whenever anyone says ‘hello’.

deltprog <tprog number>

Removes the given tprog from the list assigned to this token.


varset <name> <number|string|room> <yes|no> <value>

varclear <name>

Removes the named variable from the token.